Tag Archives: Evolved Relationship Coach

we have to find a reason to wake up every morning and live

It’s easy to become cynical after listening to the President’s State of the Nation Speech, the Budget speech and all the mayhem at the countries Universities.

Financial Coach Suyan Budhoo in Johannesburg Financial Coaching by Suyan Budhoo at Pretoria

Despite everything that’s going on around us, we cannot curl up and die, we have to find a reason to wake up every morning and live. And, while you are living why not live the best version of your life. We cannot ignore the realities of the world around us, but we can choose to create a better reality for ourselves.

We live in stressful times, but why not use it as an excuse to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Exercise has been proven to reduce stress, increase energy and activate the mind to solve problems. So instead of panicking while watching the news on tv, go for a jog.

If money is tight and you are thinking about how you can keep your family entertained without spending a small fortune at the mall, its time you start looking for cheap (or even free) alternatives. Family picnics in the park, playing a game of cricket in your backyard or even just having a binge session of your favourite series are just some of the cost effective ways you can still have fun.

South African Financial Coach Johannesburg
Financial Coach Suyan Budhoo South Africa

Birthdays, mother’s day and father’s day have become so commercialized that we believe that the best presents are the most expensive ones. Being a mother myself, the things I most enjoy is a creative meal cooked by my kids or the handmade cards. The thing about adversity is that it forces you to tap into your creative talents that may be lying dormant.

It’s easy to complain about everything that’s going wrong, sometimes all it takes is an open mind and flexibility to live a happier, healthier life. Before you complain about everything that’s going wrong, focus on what you can do to turn it around.

Author : Suyan Budhoo
Financial Coach in Johannesburg

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Suyan Budhoo – South African Life Coach

Life Coach in Pretoria
South African Life Coach & Motivational Speaker Pretoria

Suyan is a combination of a painful past, a great present and an even greater future. She is a mother of two teenagers with life experience beyond her years. She is a firm believer of the past not having much influence on who we are now and who we are capable of becoming, therefore she chooses not to dwell on her history.

She has worked in the legal environment in excess of 10 years with experience in corporate law in the private and public sector. In law we are usually expected to find solutions to every problem, she therefore believes that becoming a coach was a natural progression for her. Knowing business culture definitely gives her an edge when it comes to coaching executives and project coaching. That being said she believes that every person is unique and has their own way in which they accept and process information. She combines her experience in the legal field with her skills and tools as a coach to help her clients achieve their goals as ceo’s, directors and managers quicker and more efficiently.

Spiritual is what we become as a result of our experiences on the inside, and it is definitely not interchangeable with the word religion, as religion is what comes from the outside. As a spiritual coach she chooses to believe that greatness lies within each and every human being. She lives by the maxim that “if faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practised, a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished.” Her aim therefore is to see every individual achieve their highest potential.

By virtue of the fact that we are human we have relationships, some fail to make it into our present and we cannot live without others. There are people in this world that will not like you no matter what you do, yet there are others who would love you despite all your imperfections. Sometimes we do not know who we are, yet we expect others to understand us, we place unfair expectations on others and forget to check if we are meeting those expectations ourselves. She recently came across this quote by Charles F Glassman “ Before you discover your soulmate you must first discover your soul” this definitely resonates with who she is.

Due to all the failures and tragedies that she personally experienced and overcame Suyan is now on a path to help others overcome the challenges they are experiencing. She believes that her purpose on earth is to bring about a sense of pride, fulfilment and possibility to everyone she has the good fortune of meeting. Through her writing, public speaking and coaching she wishes to advocate the message that anything is possible, all you have to do is BELIEVE.

Suyan Budhoo

Success Focus – The Coaching Company South Arica