Tag Archives: gauteng

As we get older mum can symbolize

The first relationship we have with another human being is with our mother. She loved us before we were born and apart from God, I doubt there will be anyone else who will love us more. By virtue of this I believe the person that has loved us at first sight is our mother.

During the first few years of our lives, mum’s our doctor, teacher, housekeeper, cook and so much more. Throughout the world when we hear the word MA a feeling of warmth and love envelopes us, like no other word can.

As we get older mum can symbolize, the person that embarrasses us infront of our friends, or tortures us with her unwanted kisses. Even though we may treat her like the scum below our shoes, her love for her children never falters or fades.

Then comes the phase when we believe our mothers are being overprotective or downright selfish when she doesn’t want us to go out with that tattooed guy with the motorbike, ‘just because she never had someone who loved her that way.’ Teenage years can bring with it mixed feelings between a mother and her child, if not handled properly it can destroy the relationship forever.

When we ourselves become parents that’s when we realize how cruel we had been to our mothers, or do we?

Sometimes the rift between mothers and daughters can lead to lifelong separation and hurt. Ma, being the Universal word for love can never be reduced   nor can it be destroyed. A mother’s heart is the pulse of energy of compassion and protection.

At no time should we allow ourselves to be sucked into a vacuum, empty and void of our mothers love. Oftentimes the only thing destroying relationships are our egos. When we move past our egos and are able to apologise and forgive freely, then only can we love like only a mother can.

Author: Suyan BudhooLife Coaching Pretoria

For detail Information and further guidance

Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact Relationship Coaching Pretoria 

Important of Relationship with Ourself


Professional Relationship Coaches in Johannesburg
Relationship Coach Pretoria

During the month of love, we at Success Focus are focusing on relationships, the relationship with yourself, your loved one’s, colleagues and the rest of the world. Be sure to catch all the articles in this series.

My Relationship with Myself

Whatever comes after the words I am is entirely up to you. You can choose words like I am weak, worthless, depressed, sad and have results such as sickness, depression and even death show up in your life or you can choose words like I am strong, happy, wealthy, healthy and prosperous. As soon as you said those positive words, didn’t you sit up and feel confident, like a waterfall washing over you, leaving you refreshed. I Am, affirmations create a sense that “I Am” worthy and powerful. Nobody should ever forget that they matter in this world.

Nobody can make you feel the way do, except you. So why not choose to live in harmony with the world rather than in resistance. Living in harmony does not mean you have to forget about your uniqueness, it just means that no matter what challenges show up in your life, you will achieve that which is important to you. Use the challenges as opportunities, opportunities to overcome your fears and develop your strength.

As parents we sometimes rob ourselves of loving and caring for ourselves, thinking that our children should always come first, at any cost. By doing this we are turning our children into bullies and self-centred monsters. They will start to believe that they are all important, and mums feelings are not. The world out there will teach them a very different lesson, no matter how special mum thinks they are. Mum’s need for peace and happiness is in no way less than her sons need for playing soccer.

Suyan Budhoo Life Coach Pretoria
Life and Relationship Coach Suyan Budhoo South Africa

We are all whole and complete, the only person that can make us feel any less is the person in the mirror. To keep that person in the mirror happy you need to remind yourself daily that God moulded you in his image, shouldn’t you love yourself the way God loved you.

Author: Suyan BudhooLife Coach in Pretoria

For detail Information and further guidance

Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact Relationship Coaching Pretoria 

Still having problems managing change at home?

Relationship Coaching Johannesburg
Relationship Coach Pretoria

It is common to find that the nuclear family has evolved into an extended or complex family unit, with one or both parents remarrying after a divorce. Often times neither the parents nor the children know how to cope with such changes. We continue with our daily lives, hoping that it will sort itself out without there being any confrontations. That kind of mindset is just asking for trouble. Nothing really goes away, depending on the type of kids you have, they will either become very vocal about things or they will suppress their feelings causing distance and a strain on all relationships.

Human beings are creatures of habit and we are most comfortable when things stay the same. Any change in our environment can therefore cause us to behave unreasonably and to even think irrationally. As adults we prefer to find things where we left them, and why shouldn’t we expect our children to feel the same way, after all, kids mirror their parent’s behavior. If things are not the way we left them, we sometimes ‘fly off the handle’, shouting and screaming at anyone who can hear us. This is exactly the way some children react to mummy’s new boyfriend or daddy’s new wife. Not only do things not stay the same, another human being who will take away mummy’s attention and rob them of time with daddy has been added to the mix, obviously they are going to throw their toys out of the cot.

Relationship Coach Johannesburg
Relationship Coaching Pretoria

What then can be done to contain the situation?

  • Include everyone in family chores and activities, your new partner and children need to learn to get along, meal times and picnics could be great for forging relationships.
  • Communication is important, let your kids know that you still love them.
  • Don’t assume anything, children require clear and simple explanations about what is happening, what is expected and what is to follow. They will be more understanding and accepting of the change.

Still having problems managing change at home? Don’t stress, with the help of a relationship coach, together we can easily restore the peace in your home.

Author: Suyan Budhoo – The South African Life Coach in Pretoria

For detail Information and further guidance

Please Call us at 082 339 8393  or Contact Relationship Coaching Pretoria 

Self-development is the only answer.

Despite having more comforts than the generations before us, we seem to have less happiness and peace than our predecessors. Living a fulfilled life sometimes sounds like an unobtainable myth. Self-development is the only answer.

Self-development is not a new concept and can be found in the relics of every religion on earth. Today I will attempt to combine ancient wisdom with modern relevance to give you some pertinent advice on how to live a more fulfilled life.

Spiritual Growth Johannesburg
Spiritual Coach Pretoria

Because we do not live on this earth alone it is important that we have a code of honour, dignity and respect towards ourselves, our fellow human beings, and all other living beings. It is the basis of individual progress and social welfare. Righteous conduct develops character.

  • Material Wealth

Material wealth is a basic human necessity. Without material security we cannot keep our body and soul satisfied. One cannot have thoughts of emotional and spiritual growth if his material needs are not fulfilled.

  • Satisfaction of legitimate desires

Desires when unrestrained lead to disintegration of the body and mind, yet when suppressed , create an unhealthy state of body and mind, making life drab. What then is legitimate desire? Pursuit of wealth and enjoyment, unless guided by righteous conduct, can make a person greedy and selfish.

  • Freedom of Spirit

The quest for freedom is what distinguishes a human being from other creatures. Freedom is the ultimate goal of life. A man lives a fulfilled life when he discovers that his soul is the soul of all living beings and things, and that his happiness and peace depends on the happiness of all.

Self-development is an inner maturity which comes during the course of time and with experience. No one can give these experiences to us, they come to a person who is ready to face life’s challenges. Self-development is a life-long process, it is learning from the successes of others as well as from their mistakes. An old proverb says “Learn from others mistakes, because you cannot live long enough to make all the mistakes” .

Contact us if it’s unstoppable success you desire.

Success Focus – A Spiritual Speaker Pretoria
103 Queenswood Galleries,
1180 Whittle Lane,
Queenswood, Pretoria
Cell : 0823398393
E-Mail: suyan.budhoo@yahoo.com

The technical world it cannot compensate for our emotional needs

South African Relationship Coach
Relationship Coach Pretoria, South Africa

Why is it that so many people struggle to find and maintain harmonious relationships, and choose to be single instead? Whatever the reason, neither Science nor Religion dictates that man should live his life alone, infact both promote the union of marriage.

At the rate the world is moving, finding time for communication or anything that does not include a technical gizmo can be a challenge. You would think that with Google and Wikipedia finding the solution to all our problems would be simpler and faster.  I have realised that knowledge alone doesn’t make you a better person, it is what you do with that knowledge that makes a difference.

Love Relationship Coach in South Africa
Love and Relationship Coaching South Africa

Experience has taught me that mastering micro-expressions or personality types in theory means nothing if you do not take the time to interact with people on a humane level.  The only way you can do this is by communicating, so for those people who believe that they can make do with social media, they are sorely mistaken.

Having thousands of friends on facebook can never compensate for one real life friend.  Someone to share your innermost fears with, to act crazy with or cry with when your dog dies.  And that is the reality of life.  No matter how far we travel in the technical world it cannot compensate for our emotional needs which everybody has by virtue of being human.

According to Hinduism there are 4 primary reasons why people should get married, i.e to fulfil their dharma (duty) , artha (possessions), kama (physical desires) and moksha (ultimate spiritual release) together.  It may be true that one or other pursuits can be obtained as a single person, but in order to live a complete life Hinduism encourages marriage.

Healthy Relationship Coach in South Africa
International Relationship Coaching Company Johannesburg

In Christianity marriage is regarded as Holy, Jesus Christ himself stated “that God had created mankind as male and female and that in marriage the two will become one flesh.  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate”

Marriages that last a lifetime need more than just love to stand the test of time, and external influences. It requires a deep understanding of ones self, values and goals before you can understand a spouse.  If your aspirations are towards finding a soul-mate, you must first discover your own soul.

Spiritual Coaching Durban, SA